Monday, 21 August 2017

weekend opening update: clinic open some Sunday mornings for osteopathy and acupuncture. Best book online at

Due to popular demand, we are experimenting with clinic opening hours for Osteopathy and or Acupuncture treatments on Sunday mornings (not every Sunday, but most).

This can be convenient for people who don't live in central Christchurch, and have to drive in some distance as there are no osteopaths (or acupuncturists)  where you live.

Of course, it also helps, if you have an episode of acute back pain, or perhaps a sporting or skiing injury, and you don't want to be in pain, and have to phone around on Monday morning, trying to get in for your osteopathy (or acupuncture) appointment.

And yes, the clinic is also open for osteopathy and acupuncture most Saturday afternoons.  (I have to confess that I often go to my yoga class on Saturday mornings.)

I will be taking a few days off from (and including) Thursday 14th September to Wednesday 20th September, to do a professional osteopathy (actually the trainers are both physiotherapists) course in Pain -management.  Sadly, there will be no locum osteopath to cover for me on those few days  -  but Kaori and Daniel will be here, and you can still phone for an osteopath appointment for when I get back.  Although, as they may not be able to pick up the phone at all times -  I would highly recommend that you book online, for your osteopath (or acupuncture) appointment -  using the Ezybook real-time internet diary.  It's very easy (much easier than phoning) as you can see all the available osteopathy (and acupuncture) appointments across the whole week.

Best book online at

And, yes, there are still After-Hours appointments available.

Hope this helps.

Enjoy the Skiing, while the snow lasts.  Play safe.
Spring is just around the corner.

Good Health,
Naturopath (and Herbalist)
ACC treatment provider

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