Tuesday, 10 January 2017

still some appointments left for Osteopathy and/or Acupuncture, this week. Then Monday 23rd January onwards

There are still some appointments left for Osteopathy and/ or Acupuncture today (11/01) Wednesday, Thursday (12/01) and Friday (13/01) before I go on retreat on Saturday.  Although Kaori and Daniel will be here to look after the dogs, I'll be away for a whole week.  Yes, I'm afraid I'm the same as everyone else and need a break sometimes!  And lots of yoga, qigong and meditation can be wonderfully restorative to recharge my batteries, as it were - so I can be at my best for giving osteopathy and acupuncture treatments (healing for the healer).

So, I know a lot of you are still away enjoying your holidays - and those of you back in the city back at work, might, hopefully find that it still a slow time and quieter with many people in holiday mode. But, there are of course, some people, who are working long hours in this, the silly season.

So if you need any restorative treatment to keep you going, or have had any unfortunate excessive excitement or mishaps on your holidays - and may feel the need for osteopathy or acupuncture treatment, there are still a few appointments left.

However, I'm not going to be back until Monday 23/01  (although, probably most of the other osteopath and acupuncture clinics are fully  open next week  - so I guess no worries).

If you need to book in, please book in the the usual way on www.christchurch-osteopathy-acupuncture.co.nz (and check out the new website).  And yes, you'll notice a whole week blocked out from 14-22nd, so don't try phoning on that week, as I won't have a phone signal.  Kaori might be able to book your osteopathy (or acupuncture) appointment from Monday 23rd onward, but best book online, and see all the available osteopath appointments.

Enjoy the summer.
play happy.
stay safe.

Happy (long) holidays,

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