Friday, 18 July 2014

acupuncture traditional versus modern trigger point therapy - communication and dialogue is far better than division

More on this  - because it illustrates that principle that the way forward on this is communication and dialogue.  It's very sad when acupuncture is only deemed to be legitimate medicine only with great reservation.

It is also equally sad and unhelpful when traditionally trained acupuncturists (e.g New Zealand Register of Acupuncture members) do not participate in such discussions, or cannot integrate into mainstream healthcare, or cannot speak the language of biomedical science or communicate (or want to communicate!) with GPs and other health specialists.

For those of you who may be following this discussion - I did receive a reply from a friend colleague osteopath, who is conscientious and although initially training in Western Medical Acupuncture, is certainly developing his acupuncture to a high level:

Mike I suggest contacting the authors,especially Dr Cummings. Having previous brought this up with him in conversation you might be surprised if you do have a chat

My response was:

Thanks for your suggestion. As I'm unlikely to be in the UK to do any British Medical Acupuncture Society training, it's unlikely I'll get to meet Dr Cummings as you have. I could try contacting him through the publisher of his book - but if you could find an email address for him, from your own British Medical Acupuncture Society log-in, I would be most grateful. 

You are most welcome to copy and paste the text of my own comments above, on my behalf - into the Blog / Forum / members-area of the British Medical Acupuncture Society or British Osteopathy Association or General Osteopathic Council sites - where I'm sure I'll eventually communicate with the right people - and I would welcome any dialogue that ensued. my email is: mike@ Yes - I could join the British Medical Acupuncture Society to paste this - but a bit of a waste of 79 UK pounds! Thanks for your help. Hope all is going well in your own acupuncture practice. regards, M

1 comment:

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