Sunday, 17 September 2017

Clinic Fully Open again for Osteopathy and Acupuncture, From Wednesday 20 September. Please book online:

Just to let everyone know that the clinic is fully open again for your Osteopathy and Acupuncture treatments, from this Wednesday 20 September.

I'm still away in Melbourne, having come here for a Pain-management in Clinical practice training course.  This has great benefit for patients (you guys, or some of you at least) living in pain, especially chronic pain, and even those wishing to make the fastest recovery time from injury.  So yes, pain education is all part of Osteopathic treatment and management (and even acupuncture to).

Optimal prevention and recovery from injury, are all part of osteopathic treatment and management.  I am currently working on some website updates about this.

Please feel free to ask me, during your osteopathic consultation and treatment.

Kaori and Daniel, are of course at home to look after the dogs.
If you need to book you osteopathy or acupuncture treatment urgently, Kaori may be able to book you in, but best NOT to phone and use the website to see the best times for you osteopathy or acupuncture appointment:

kind regards,