For my acupuncture (and medical acupuncture trained osteopath) colleagues here in Christchurch
Hopefully Xanthe Ashton is confirmed to give a presentation on Cranio-sacral therapy for our NZ register of Acupuncture study group meeting on 16th September. I want this to be Xanthe's presentation (not a joint one) as she is a very good presenter. I would also be happy to give another Cranio-sacral presentation (a practical session) sometime next year, if people would like a greater practical understanding of cranial osteopathy.
Here, however, I have a presentation I would be happy to share with everyone at another meeting (preferably 21/10, or in February 2015 after the holidays) on:
Hygiene, Dangerous Points, Informed Consent, Note-keeping, and medico-legal implications .
Admittedly this is a spin-off from my present project for my western medical acupuncture registration (with my osteopath colleagues) and learning portfolio and learning needs analysis.
One insight from this training is I've realised that perhaps a few of us that trained many years ago might possibly have got a bit negligent in very basic stuff over the years. It is quite possible that highly experienced practitioners (whether they be GPs, osteopaths or acupuncturists) are at greater risk here that relatively new graduates.
One insight from this training is I've realised that perhaps a few of us that trained many years ago might possibly have got a bit negligent in very basic stuff over the years. It is quite possible that highly experienced practitioners (whether they be GPs, osteopaths or acupuncturists) are at greater risk here that relatively new graduates.
I would would be happy to review what we need to put in our notes especially for complex patients (e.g. the elderly, chronic pain patients, infection, lymphodema, cancer, immuno-compromised patients, etc) just in case anything ever goes wrong at any point, and legal or regulatory action is ever considered against us.
Yes, I realise that acupuncturists as all medical professionals do, carry insurance and that in NZ, ACC treatment providers cannot ever be sued for 'medical misadventure', but this is no reason, ethically, for incompetence or poor practice, or standards.
Even if any medical misadventure (e.g causing a pneumothorax) did not result in legal action from medical misadventure - it might severely damage the livelihood and reputation of that practitioner, as well as bringing the entire profession into disrepute.
Not a bad subject for a refresher presentation - wouldn't you think.
Hopefully helpful,